Thursday, 22 November 2012

Cant breathe!!!!

I finished pandemonium 2 days ago and I am still tied up about!!

Its absolutely 100% one the worst and best cliff hangers I have ever read..........Its like.........hjdgfbjfcfuhiealer........amazing and totally unfair that I have to wait till March! MARCH!!!!! The massive cliffhanger in the book was massive and even still finding hard to breathe and trying to fight off fits of screaming that nearly control me!!!!

This book.........the two of them, Delirium and Pandemonium and soon Requiem...... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! I literally cannot wait!!!!!!, Ahem sorry........anyways.... the two of the books are AH-Mazing, brilliant story line, brilliant idea, brilliant BOOKS AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I cannot wait!!!! *another fit of screaming*

And a few minutes ago I found out there would be a movie coming out soon of Delirium....aaaaaah!! and Divergent aaaaaah!!  Those two books are in my top 20 fave books!!!!!

I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Have to go do some breathing excersises, starting to find it hard again!!!!! Its almost as if I'm doing an inward scream and I probably look really weird!!

I recommend these books to absolutely everyone!!!

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Camogie + Releif

Hey again! Cousins gone! Phew! Well actually they went around 6 yesterday:/ I spent around an hour pushing their 3 year old child while she was saying "higher higher" and then "stop too high" over and over again.

I had a camogie match yesterday and I was put in full back:( I don't like full back  for reasons a)you have to stay in front of the goals and can't move  b) no running (I like the running part but I wouldn't go midfield because I wouldn't be able to run that much) and It's seriously boring!!!

Anyways  we won the match by alot!! I actually lost count of the score. On the way their I was really nervous because we have never really beaten this team before. We were missing some of our older players, probably because they thought they were too cool to be U14. I hate people like that!!

Anyways gtg mind my 2 younger bros!
Bye Bye
Lola xx

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Sorry + Canadian Cousins

Have'nt written in ages even though I come on nealy everyday! S'pose it's too late to say happy new year, but I'll say it even though it's 4 months late. oops! 

Looking back over my my blog I can see my blog is  a) very short  b) very boring and seriously lacking imagination, so I am sayin a big sorry to my 3 followers! 

What's happening in my life? My canadian cousins ae coming over for dinner! Now these are people I never knew existed! So I'm hopin it won't be too much of an awky momo:/

gtg set the table:( I'll try and post more!

Bye Bye

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